The soft-tissue attaching the gums to the lips, tongue and cheeks is called the frenulum or frenum. This tissue is usually soft but some people are born with thicker and wider frenum causing gum recession and further compromising aesthetic appearance when smiling.
Additionally, the tongue or ‘lingual’ frenum can also inhibit speech by decreasing tongue mobility and/or limiting mouth opening, a condition commonly referred to as being ‘tongue-tied.’ In these cases, a frenectomy is a surgical procedure that repositions the frenum to eliminate the pull and increase mobility.
Frenectomies are fast and simple procedures and can often be performed with the use of the dental LASER. Here at Perio Arts Colorado, we specialize in both conventional and laser-assisted frenectomies. If you think you or loved one might benefit from this procedure, please contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to meeting you!